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Why Entrepreneurs Need Content Writers

If you are a part of a startup, then you’ll know what being overwhelmed feels like! Everything’s new of course, and on top of that, you have to work all the roles. Doesn’t matter if you’re the finance provider or the web designer or the guy who came up with the business idea, you find yourself performing the jobs of ten different people. Amidst all this, if there’s one mistake that can be fatal to your company, it’s thinking that you don’t need a professional for content writing. You’d think that since it’s your company, you’d easily be able to write about it, and for some time you even might. But, sooner or later you find yourself wishing for a professional content writer. To help you get there sooner rather than later here’s why:


There are several proverbs assigned for how important time is and how it should never be wasted. You’d do better to listen to that and use your time in doing what you do best. One person doing various jobs may be okay at the beginning of a startup, a necessity even. But if you want to grow your enterprise, then everyone needs to be really focused, preferably on their own roles in the company. Growing the company from the business perspective –if that’s your strong suit, then you’ll, obviously, prove more effective in concentrating on that rather than dividing time, attention and focus on content writing.

Quality and Quantity

Without a professional, as discussed above, you will be devoting half your time to content writing, which will affect your primary work. And if you focus less on the content writing, you’ll be losing valuable advertising. A professional content writer will be able to give more time to creating content for various online platforms for your enterprise than you can. And he/she will be able to produce a number of quality pieces of content in less time as it will be their only focus. With one introduction to your team, you get to increase the quality and quantity of your online content, and in turn, your enterprise’s social media image.


You know your enterprise the best, of course. But that doesn’t automatically conclude that you’ll be able to write the best content for it. No offense, but you are no writer. At one point you’ll just draw a blank for new ideas to write about. Your best bet here is to bring in a content writer, who’ll be less likely to draw a blank, and will bring with them a fresh perspective. A new angle to see and write about your company might do wonders to put you out there in the social scene.

Simplifying the Technical

You, of course, know all the technicalities of your business, but your potential clients don’t. For the growth and popularity of your business it is rather crucial that they do understand, but a rather simplified version of it. The technical terms related to your field might be everyday talk for you, but the readers need to come to terms with them. Content writers act as the mediators here. They let the audience know what the company wants to tell them, by not quoting but paraphrasing.

Knowledge of SEO

As said above, you know your technicalities, and the content writers know theirs. Believe it or not, content writing is not just writing. One can write all they want, but to be seen by their audience, they need to know their Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Also, they have the working knowledge of HTML, WordPress, and the likes. Without this, you’d be stranded with a good piece of article about your venture, but nobody to read it. You wouldn’t want that now, would you?

Different Writing Style

A content writer knows their audience. They know the tone in which the audience would like a particular article in, whether it’s casual or serious or straightforward or experimental, and can work from there. Like you can easily shift from one business idea to another, content writers know how to tweak their writing styles to bring in the maximum effect.